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Firstly you must have been given access to the University of Strathclydes External Examiners System by the External Examiner Administrator. If you are unable to access the system please contact external . uk. To submit a report, please go to University of Strathclyde External Examiners System where you will be prompted to login. Please enter dsusername followed by your password. Once logged in, please select the appropriate session from the Sites menu on the left hand side. You will then see a link on the right hand side of the screen inviting you to 'Add a new examiner report'. We recommend that you use Internet Explorer as your web browser when using the External Examiners system. If you have already consulted the guidance provided but are still unable to log on to University of Strathclydes External Examiners System please contact IT Help at . uk. The date, time and venue of Boards are set by individual Departments.

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When you're our of integrity, what kind of self talk do you engage in?4. Do your needs for control, recognition and security take you out of integrity?5. Do you lie to yourself about being in integrity?If so, why?6. Does it matter to you that you are out of integrity?7. Do you use the same definition to define integrity for yourself and for others?If not, why not?8. Do you respond if others act our of integrty and their actions directly affect you?9. Do you respond if others act out of integrity and their actions affect your team, your unit, your department or your organization?10. Do you ever excuse or rationalize your being out of integrity?If so, when and why?At the end of the day, the workday, integrity is all about telling the truth about ourselves, to ourselves. It's all about living this truth. Many of us are quick to judge and criticize others who act out of integrity. But truth be told, and it is all about the truth, many of us are just as prone to separate from our core values and act our of integrity when it's convenient in some way.

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Work When You Want Doesnt it sound blissful: Set your own hours and control your income based on when you want to work. This is probably the most egregious of all the selling points to Uber because working when you want doesnt always mean that there will be demand. You know what they dont tell you when you sign up?You must work at least Saturday night into Sunday morning when the bars close. Thats when youre going to make the most money, says a California based driver. Im 25; I dont want to work Saturday nights. I want to be with my friends. I used to work as a delivery driver and got stuck with these awful shifts, and I didnt want that with Uber. During weekdays in my area, youre working the rush hours, too. There are trips during the off hours, but youre going to be making less. Uber must assume that their pool of drivers is already working full time during the day and that this is a second job. My Boss Is an Email Address The weirdest part about working for a company like this is that I dont ever meet my boss.

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Japanese andromeda shrubs are excellent for medium sized privacy hedges as they stay green throughout the year. The pink red young leaves of Japanese Andromeda turn green when they mature. This dwarf evergreen shrub has stunning silvery blue foliage that turns deep purple in winter. The ornamental shrub thrives in shaded areas where it can grow up to 10 ft. 3 m tall. This shrub has dense, finely textured foliage and attractive reddish bark. Their rounded growth habit makes these evergreen shrubs excellent for hedges or mixed shrub borders. Holly evergreen shrubs include various cultivars, some with variegated leaves. Every single garden needs these evergreen bushes. You can plant this shrub as a low spreading bush for ground over. The beauty of growing evergreen shrubs in a garden landscape is that the bushy plants stay green all year long.

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